New Blogging Service

Wow. I'm impressed as hell.

My Car is a piece of shit. It's overheated and I'm not sure what to do.

  1. Rob a bank
  2. Sell body fluids
  3. Move to an Amish community and eat Quaker Oats and make furniture for a living. (They don't have cars or like Harrison Ford)

I'm sure the car thing will turn into it's own pernicious little post.

I'm also blown away by this site's blogging service. It's so freaking easy to get a blog up and running and they some pretty cool stuff. Like drag and drop photo and file updating. And easy to setup and manage urls and sub urls and a whole bunch of other collaberative stuff that I haven't even uncovered yet.

If I'm not ashamed of my test posting I'll put a link in a future blog. To date I have not found a way to import my blogger stuff so that would kind of suck and they have already said that at this time they don't an ability to host the service on your own domain so its just a hosted blog at the moment. We'll see how it goes. They are even running a promotional that allows for two years at the price of one. So 49 bucks for year turns into two years. Redneck math makes that 2.50 a month. I spend that on breakfast everyday.

I already got my blogging done on the new service while I test drive it so good night.

Posted by Jeff Estes while he contemplates cross blogging.


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