Straight Dope

Alright sorry for any ambiguity on my last post. I wasn't fired. I was in fact promoted or horizontally integrated or whatever else you want to call it.

I am no longer on the help desk.

I am now the low man on a different totem pole. I'm now a proud member of the IT Product Development Team. I don't really know exactly what we really do yet. I only know what the one guy that compromised the department did. He's still there and that makes him the manager and me the assistant, Co-worker, coffee fetcher whatever. I kind of got a job description that basically said you're going to do what the other girl was doing but only until we modify this job description to say what you're really going to be doing.

I'm excited about it. The position included a move to a new area, (all of 20 feet away), a new title (which hasn't been really codified yet), a pay raise (which I of course will not disclose since my former kotex read my blog), and a company paid cell phone.

New area is really close to the helpdesk (same room as a matter of fact), the new title is something like Business Analyst or something, the pay raise puts me in a new tax bracket so the HUGE raise turns out to just be significant but not as huge as it looked at first, and the cell phone I deserved a LOOOONG time ago and I'm just glad that I'm finally getting one. My previous cellphone was used for 80% business anyway.

Nuff of work. Let's get personal now.

My daughter has left for a one week summer camp and she left me a really sweet note that I've decided to post for posterity.

[note below]

Dear Dad,

I'll miss you. I'm sorry I couldn't say bye. I love you dad. Bye.

Love Victoria,

P.S. OWN somebody on counter-strike for me.

[end of note]

How awesome is that. She never leaves me notes just Mom. To top it off she wants me to own somebody on Counter Strike. I love that little girl.

We even got a baby-sitter for tonight for Mason so that leaves Heidi and I alone for a night and we don't know what to do. We are dead broke so we'll probably just end up going to the waffle house for coffee.

I've got to get ready so I'll see you on the flip side. Download Xfire if you're a counter striker and look for me online.

Posted by Jeff Estes while anticipating his first new paycheck.


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