Cool New Bloging Service Check it Out

Okay I've decided to start double posting. I now plan on posting to this blog as my primary blogging tool and then cross blogging on my other bubbler blog to test drive their services.

Nuff on bubbler I'll add to that line of thought on a later blog.

Things I want to complain about tonight.

  1. My ISP sucks. I know I've covered this once but I had over a two-and one half hour outage today.
  2. Why would google host a blogging service like the one you're reading and not index their own blogs? (I'll explain after I'm done indexing my complaints.
  3. Why is there so much porno on the internet? I like hitting the next blog link on blogger since a it's a nice way to explore other random blogs but I come across the occasional porno links and it just pisses me off.
  4. My car. I'm taking it to the mechanic tomorrow for an assessment but shit when will it stop.
  5. maintenance on my house. My toilet is leaking from the base now. WTF is going on!
  6. My Allergies. I'm getting tested tomorrow and I'm so NOT looking forward to it.

Brief (I swear) explanations

1) My ISP. Not to redo this one again but I seem to be plagued by outages with my ISP. To make it even worse one of my co-tech's (KOTEX) has the same ISP but he never seems to have the same issues I do. I think it's because he surfs porn and he's protected by the "Idiot God Shield Law" You know how it goes...."God looks out for Drunks, Babies, and Porno Surfers" or something like that.

2) Site indexing. I implemented a site and google search window at the bottom of this page. If you scroll all the way down you'll find it. The only problem is that Google hasn't indexed this blog for some reason. I always thought that they searched everything over time. Well. I have been blogging for almost a year now and I haven't been indexed yet. Are you kidding me. Anyway I've gone to their index submission page and listed my blog and my domains for indexing. Click here for the link to this page if you wan't to index your blog or website.

3) Porno. Okay I looked at porno (as much as I could when I was like 13 or 14) but what's the big deal. If you want to see naked woman just hand your wife a 20 and give her a whirl. I know that the new TLD .xxx has been approved so get a grip and call your registrar and keep your shit all in one place so the rest of us can ignore it. Somebody ought to pass a law about this crap.

4) My Car. I currently own a late model Honda and it's in such bad shape I'm not going to enumerate all it's problems. Let's just say that I'm not going to fix anything major since It's turned almost a quarter of a million miles. Yes these f'ers last that long. They are Honda's for Christ sakes! Hopefully I'm looking at sub $200 repair.

5) maintenance on my house. Everyone that says owning your own home is the American Dream well wake the F up people. I obviously need to learn how to "dream" better. I've got repairs that I can't afford to make and now I've got Toilet issues in a one bath house. I'm ready to call it quits and move back into an Apartment. It's a lot easier to sit around bitching about how long it takes the Maintainence guy to show up and fix something then it is to load up your family, drive your clueless wanna be Bob Villa ass up to Home depot, and then walk around try to find some kind of temporary $80 dollar fix to hold your problem over until you get paid. Then you sink another $400 or so on something that you hope will work.

6) Allergies. Achoo! You get the point. They suck. I hate them. I wish it would rain all the time so I wouldn't have to deal with it.

Done. Nuff Said. Good night. Now I have to cross blog. If you wan't my other blog link then comment on my blog, and I'll throw it up somewhere on the site. I'm getting lonely and I'd like to think that at least someone else reads this shit.

Posted by Jeff Estes wishing I could stop my OC blogging needs.


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