Google Page Rank and Searching
Now I've been a fan of Google every since they came on the scene.
Yes I use their blogging service but Google didn't invent blogger they bought it. Welcome to commercial Mergers and Acquisitions.
Heidi kind of rubbed it in my face the other day that if you google her name you come up with her name as the number one link with her job and job title at the Arkansas Democrat Gazette (that's our state newspaper by the way). That kind of sucks in geekdom since she's not really geek and it's toatally unfair that her name has a higher page rank than mine with google. So I decided that I wasn't going to take and I started working on increasing my page rank. I started with page optimization and keywords but according to google that doesn't help as much based on how their page rank works.
So I also starting doing site submissions to Google and lo and behold now three days later scoolio comes up as a top hit #1 on google. Fucking amazing I'm back on top now. Also my website comes up as a top hit for jeffestes. Assuming that you search for jeffestes and not "jeff estes".
Awesome I'm the man again.
Posted by Jeff while his woman sleeps the sleep of the graveyard shift workers everywhere.
Yes I use their blogging service but Google didn't invent blogger they bought it. Welcome to commercial Mergers and Acquisitions.
Heidi kind of rubbed it in my face the other day that if you google her name you come up with her name as the number one link with her job and job title at the Arkansas Democrat Gazette (that's our state newspaper by the way). That kind of sucks in geekdom since she's not really geek and it's toatally unfair that her name has a higher page rank than mine with google. So I decided that I wasn't going to take and I started working on increasing my page rank. I started with page optimization and keywords but according to google that doesn't help as much based on how their page rank works.
So I also starting doing site submissions to Google and lo and behold now three days later scoolio comes up as a top hit #1 on google. Fucking amazing I'm back on top now. Also my website comes up as a top hit for jeffestes. Assuming that you search for jeffestes and not "jeff estes".
Awesome I'm the man again.
Posted by Jeff while his woman sleeps the sleep of the graveyard shift workers everywhere.