Changes in the Air

Work related stuff:
If you work(ed) with me then you may have noticed some changes at work. Specifically you may have noticed that my desk has been cleared and my personal items have been boxed up.
I'm not going to elaborate on the subject but It should suffice to say when a man clears his desk he does it for a specific reason.
I'd also like to take this time to thank all of the wonderful people I've had the pleasure of working with the last couple of years.
Helpdesk work can be just as fun as it is frustrating. I wish everyone the best and I hope to see you all soon.
Non Work Related Stuff:
I've added a new custom tag to my Counter Strike account so now when I own your ass online you'll also get sprayed with this... [see tag in top left corner of posting]
Before I forget, I wanted to let my fellow Counter Strikers know that I'm using Xfire to launch CS and track friends online now. So get off your couch and into your comfy computer chair and pull down Xfire and start looking for me online that way. I'm only doing this since Steam's Friends Server always seems to be down and not working.
Download Xfire here. or Copy paste this URL:
Posted by Jeff Estes while reading up on Salary and Job requirements online.