A little levity a little Star Wars

I used to be a professional waiter. I think that everyone should wait tables for one year and have no other source of income other than tips. It would make a you a better person and if nothing else you could at least meet a bunch of low life non tipping morons.

(Thanks babe I love you)

Check out this posting I trolled on linuxquestions.org

If you're not a Windows and Linux geek then this isn't remotely funny.
If you're a lindows geek but not a Star Wars Geek then this still isn't funny either.

If you're not sure what you are then try this test.

Hold down the alt key and press the F4 button one time.



Now if you're still reading this then congrats you passed the moron test and you can keep reading. [insert grin]

If you failed and in a state of rage returned here then read ahead and if you don't laugh it's not my fault anymore. [head, desk, slam...slam again]

I have a running theory about Star wars. I believe that R2 ran Linux, and that the Death Star ran Windoze. Here is my evidence:R2 never failed, and could do many different things. He may have only spoke one language, but understood many. He was resourceful and user friendly, until you made him upset, then he become difficult to use. He didnt like being help by that restraining bolt.. he was into being freedom. And he could interface easily with other computer systems with different protocols.Now the Death Star... in both cases, the piece of crap never saw it had a flaw that could be easily exploited. And its computers could be easily overridden within a few seconds. Maybe if the Emperor would have paid the money to upgrade the software he would have been much safer, but I think even the Empire could not afford MicroCraps licenses :)

Here is another good Star Wars piece of humor
Click here for original page

A boy from Tatooine, I met.
Him ready as a Jedi, I get.
And fight like a man,Also I can,
Except that, my pants, I wet.


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