Digital rights management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Digital rights management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm mad as fuck right now....I'm mad as a bucktooth carney....I'm so pissed this is all I can blog right now. I just lost about a 500 word rant to my Godammned Back button on my mouse. I'm so fucking pissed I can't blog anymore or I'm gonna kill some white person I swear then they are going try to call 911 on their vonage line and find out they can't since their sorry ass didn't pay the extra 3.50 for 911 support. Fuck my back button and Fuck the shitty ass day I had at work, and Fuck whoever is keeping me from backing up my DRM liscense file (Bill Gates or the Recording Studios I don't know which). More to come later I'm too pissed an tired and I know tomorrow is gonna suck at work since we have three guys to cover the phones all day. If you read this Blog and your customer then Please do not call the Helpdesk tomorrow or I swear I'm gonna blow a gasket.

Sorry for the language and the "lost blog" IT would have been one of favorite postings. I mean it was JP Sarte good.



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