Morning Commute

Lo and behold they wanted .75 cents (that's three quarters btw) to air up my one little tire.
I'll admit it's been awhile since I used an air compressor at a gas station but I remember back when you could go to a gas station and find not only gas, but washing fluid and a squeegee, with paper towels, and an air compressor. Now you're hard pressed just to find gas and a squeegee.
So in my cheapness I decided to roll into another gas station. Wouldn't you know that I had to hit over six gas stations to find a station with free air?
Just in case your wondering the Gas Station in the parking lot of Harvest Foods on Kiehl was the big winner of give Jeff free air today.
Of course .75 cents was the highest price I found. The average price was .50 cents and I didn't find a single one for only a quarter.
I really had it in me to rant and rave on some other stuff like my inability to rent Donnie Darko from the local movie rental places, and "Gamer fatigue" but alas my gamer shoulder is killing me from the holiday weekend (Woot for Steam's free Day of Defeat weekend!).
Speaking of woot I did pick up a fat dirt ass cheap GPS unit for my car from Navicon on's website. If you haven't checked out Woot it's worth making it your home page. They offer only one item a day for a dirt cheap price. Sometimes it's new, sometimes its a refurb, but it's always a steal. Sometimes you'll find vacuum cleaners, or blenders, or GPS units, or even stereo systems!
I also picked up the movie Shark Tale to watch with my son tonight. I LOVE kids movies! They are so funny. Will Smith is a genius!
One last thing. Today I walk into one of the training rooms that I sometimes use and one of the new students says hey I know you! You're that guy at the pool with the laptop. Damn! I can't even escape my geekhood at the pool. What's the world coming to?
Posted by Jeff Estes wishing you would subscribe to my blog and sponsor my lunch breaks.