For all you .DOCX dumbasses

If your one of those stupid asses that doesn't pay attention then Mount Up!
When you save a file please pay attention to a few of the following things:
- What file type am I saving this file as?
- Who am I going to share this file with?
- Does my recipient have to use windows, linux, or a (god forbid) a mac to view this file?
- Do I really need all this bloated ass extra code to work this file or am I just using Bold, Italic, and basic formatting?
- What other choices are available for this file. WTF is wrong with just using an RTF format?
What is the .[whatever]X format. you say? It's the new (proprietary) closed (not open) format from windows. It's also the default choice for all file types in the version of Office. You know that 300+ dollar version with the fancy "ribbon" that eliminates the old File, Edit, View we've all come to know and love.
This happens almost every time a new version of the Office suite comes out, and its so fucking annoying I want to beat someone to death with a spork whenever I run face first into it.
I mean seriously, I understand why people might not want to use .txt files. I finally gave up saving everything as a .txt file about a year ago and converted myself into an RTF man. Even more recently I've been forcing myself to convert stuff into a .doc format to better integrate with Sharepoint Services at work for maximum document flexibility, but this .docx shit has me at my last straw.
So please, please, please do everyone (except for those boys in Redmond) a favor and do the following things if you love yourself, and un-spaded animals everywhere:
- Stop buying MS Office
- Use an open or free sourced alternative like Open Office, AbiWord, Google Docs, ThinkFree, the list goes on and on....
- Save your files into the most agnostic, and Open Sourced alternative you can find like .RTF, .CSV, .PNG, whatever
- Don't get crazy ass stupid with formatting unless you really, really need to, like if you're making a brochure or something better intended for slick publications like marketing fluff, or printed/bound user documentation.
- Try to stick with W3C formatted HTML files that don't force end users to use IE.
- At least include a link to the Office Converter Pack if you're too stuck up to not use a .X formatted MS file type.
Page Two (ode to P.Harvey)
Website shit
I finally broke one of my own websites. Who would of that something as a one line .PHP file like:
register_globals = off
Was gonna save the day?
I'm experimenting with Drupal at my site now. I really, really dig it. There are lots of cool kick ass sites using Drupal but I kind of lack CSS skills at the moment to make mine look cool.
I also registered a new kick ass domain that I'm digging called I've got nothing loaded at the site and I'm going to be experimenting with a CMS there soon.
I also bought to give my friend a hard time. So keep an eye out for some funny shit there soon.
I'm kind of pissed that I volunteered to teach a software class in the morning on a Saturday, but oh well.
Jlo - I didn't mean to diss you by skipping you on the Sonic run today so I'm sorry :) + my posts can't always be witty and funny.
My trainee has thrown up her own first webpage at so check it out.
Page Three (ode to P.Harvey)
I'm desperately trying to "scratch" up some money to help ship my Mom's care from Oakdale CA to Arkansas next week so help a brother out and sponser my lunch a couple days next week.
Plus I'm also two weeks behind at my daycare so I could use a couple Benjamin's if you've got some green laying around.
My After Dark business is coming along fairly well and I'm thinking about a redo of the website but I'm not sure If I want to go with a static page, something Flashy, something CMS like Drupal, or just a real elaborate blog. Don't you worry though the scoolio blog will always be rolling out hard but maybe at a new domain like since I discovered that WORDPRESS has a built in Blogger transport tool.
My personal life still feels like a disaster but I should be grateful that I have 1.5 children that love and appreciate me. My life could always be so much worse.
Work Update: We should have a new manager soon. I was kind of pulling for an update today from the C-Level people but that didn't happen so we'll see what evolves next week.
I'm still thinking that I've got less than two years before I'm able to quit my job and go full time with my computer business. Only time will tell.
My World of Warcraft guild is officially up and running full time now. So if you're interested in what WOW geeks do late at night and during the day in Azeroth then run on over to our guild website and check it out.
That's it so keep it real.
Posted by Jeff Estes wishing you would subscribe to my blog and sponsor my lunch breaks.