The Return of Will Arnold

He's alive. Will is alive. I heard from Will just a couple of minutes ago. He's working for AC Nielsen. They are one of those large Conglomerate companies that mine and analyse data for consumer purchase/entertainment trends.
Will is doing just fine and living it large in Atlanta GA. His girl is still "into" him so he's still a happy country boy trying to survive in the big city.
If you want to reach Will comment on this blog and he'll post back with his personal email address. Will if you're ok with me posting your email addy's I'll post them here for you.
It was great to hear from Will and I hope he stays in touch.
BTW I'm going to be posting some links or walk-through's on "backing" up *cough* your personal DVD collections with tools like DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink. I might post them on my other blog of Stuff I Get Asked All The Time.
Posted by Jeff Estes while watching the Sci-Fi channel.