Plasti(what the fuck)nation

Crazy Ass Shit:
Wow! I created a whole new folder to bookmark this one. Plastination. I was watching the history channel (My default channel most of the time) and they did a story on Taxidermy (absolutely fascinating) and Plastination. I have to say that I'd never heard of Plastination and I'm absolutely floored by it. First of all it's scientifically amazing that this is even possible, and then it’s hard to imagine how someone could think to try this on a human being. I have to admit it’s morbid but utterly stunning to see. Hit the link and check it out.
Shit I get asked all the time:
I'll bring it up again. I absolutely love I’ve now downloaded close to 30.00 dollars worth of music. Since I've been asked a lot about I'll go over the process.
1) Go to the site and sign up for an account.
2) Download and use their allofmp3 explorer tool. It will default install to C:\Program Files\MediaServices\Allofmp3
3) Near the end of the install the "Startup Wizard" will come up. Select your language (No Asian languages, damn)!
4) You will be asked to set your default audio folder. C:\My Music is the wizards default choice. You will also be asked to select a file name mask. If you've worked with LAME before you'll recognize the layout. If you don't know what you're doing just leave it alone. By default it's going to be %G\%A(%Y)\%T - %S. Yea whatever that means right.
5) Please note the checkbox to Enable Catalog which is not set. I recommend hitting that checkbox since it will reduce the total amount of time a search takes after the initial (long) catalog update.
6) If you followed my directions you already created an account from step 1. If you didn't create an account you can hit the blue hypertext link to setup an account. Now just key in your username and password for allofmp3 in the boxes.
7) Now wait for the Allofmp3 Explorer to Connect to and update its catalog and exchange a security key with the site. Then your username and password should be checked and the initial catalog update should start after you hit the OK button to allow the full update to get started. The download can take up to five minutes.
8) After you've downloaded the tool you can charge up your account with a credit card, Paypal (support comes and goes for Paypal), WebMoney, or Yandex.Money. (You can only charge up 10.00 dollars at a time.
9) Now search for and mark songs for download and then enjoy!
Personal stuff:
The family is still under the weather which is pretty taxing on me but hey it's life. Victoria has some girls staying over tonight for a slumber party so their goes my sanity. My father in law is driving one step at a time toward becoming a psychopath. I swear I'm going to kill him, bitch slap him to death and then eat him if I have to. I'll do anything to shut his ass up. I'm tired and my day at work was totally shot by one question/fire after another. (Did I mention the five hour demonstration I gave)!
Nuff said I'm out.
Posted by Jeff Estes while watching a show on Cannibalism