Broadcast Flag it sucks!
Broadcast Flag it sucks! Please hit the link and email the government.
This post is so long I took out all the bitching I was doing in favor of self directed learning. If you want to know why the Broadcast Flag initiative sucks then Google it. But please hit the link about it at the EFF and send the email.
Today is Victoria's last day in single digits. She turns 10 tomorrow (today this is a late post).
Wow Time flies after you have fun making kids. :)
Recap of the last week
I had a super packed weekend and I really meant to Blog about it earlier but I just couldn't get to it until now. It all started last Friday when a friend whom some of you know as Bob the "knife" brought over an iMac that he needed to recover data from. Let me preface what I’m about to say since I previously blogged that I’d do no more “freebie” work but I'm not the kind of guy to turn down a chance to gut an iMac and then attempt to recover data off a hard drive. To date I've been able to successfully recover data off of "dead" drives at least five times. Most of the time it's as simple as mounting the "dead" drive to a live Windows or Linux box, or worst case scenario I use the copy of Spinrite that work bought for me. To date I'm like 5 for 5 but I've never tried to recover data from a Mac.
I've got a picture of the gutted Mac on my cell phone and I'll upload it to the Blog when I get my Sprint Vision plan fixed. All of the sudden I can't photo Blog anymore. I ended up being unable to natively mount an HFS formatted drive and since my Linux Box wasn't available we mounted the Mac drive in an external enclosure and used some software from Mediafour called MacDrive. It emulates the ability to mount/read and write to and from Mac formatted drives and Mt. Rainer enabled Optical storage devices. It worked like a charm but it ran real slow (emulation sucks cycles). To move 7 and half gigs of data took over three hours! A total success! Whoopee.
On the personal side of things we have experienced some additional car problems with Heidi’s car and its back in the shop again. Go figure. It's still cheaper to keep fixing it rather than picking up a new/used car payment but it's damn inconvenient. Having one car goes beyond suckage.
I will now further clarify the “beyond suckage” statement. Mason's special needs school restricts our drop off time to a ten minute window. We can only drop him off between 8:20 AM and 8:30 AM. I like to be at work before 8AM if I can but under the one car system I can barely make it to work before 9AM. This puts me behind on emails and voicemails. Since most of my appointment calls, conference calls, and meetings start around 9:30 or 10:00 AM this really dings my day.
Now for work related suckage:
Mark is out of town all this week so I'm like twice as busy at work (firefighting mainly). I’m still working on this special project stuff, when I’m not firefighting. It’s going well but it’s not going well fast enough. I put up sign on my door at work that tells people to go ask two other people first before they come ask me. Sounds harsh but it’s kind of like the military chain of command thing. Don’t come ask a Captain or Lt. until you’ve run it by the Sarge and Master Sarg. I don’t know if the whole military chain of command thing makes sense or not but fuck it. I’m tired.
More personal stuff:
I've also been working on cracking the Napster DRM. I've found a couple of hopefuls but most of them work by re-encoding the stream as it plays (small sound degradation). Right now I'm using Tunebite and Winamp with the lame encoder. I'll let you know which one I like the most when I nail the process down. I've also been looking real hard at the yahoo music plan which is like a third the cost of Napster but I'm pretty happy with Napster since they kind of pioneered the whole P2P piracy thing and I hate Itunes. (Yea I said it I alone in the world think that Itunes and their white fucking Ipod sucks serious ass). If you’re one of those Apple Nazi’s then crawl your ass back into your Tucker automobile, drive your ass home and pop in a Betamax Video and then play some 45’s and LP’s while try to tune in BBC on your vacuum tube stereo.
You might ask why I hate IPODS and I’d have to say that I really just hate Itunes and the Apple business model. They are so smug about how their OS is invulnerable (not true), and Immune the blue screen of death stuff. The reason their shit works so well is that Apple lives in a very closed community. Apple could give a damn about interoperability. They’re like the movie Field of Dreams. “If you build it they will come”. Don’t get me wrong the Apple stuff is Beautiful but go to best buy and browse their Macintosh Game section. If you really want to go hardcore anti-windows go Linux or pure UNIX then come back and talk shit.
I am so fucking sorry this post is so fucking long. I’ve been away from my Blog for too long and I have way to much stuff to get out of my head.
Posted by Jeff Estes while recovering from his long absence to the BLOG.
This post is so long I took out all the bitching I was doing in favor of self directed learning. If you want to know why the Broadcast Flag initiative sucks then Google it. But please hit the link about it at the EFF and send the email.
Today is Victoria's last day in single digits. She turns 10 tomorrow (today this is a late post).
Wow Time flies after you have fun making kids. :)
Recap of the last week
I had a super packed weekend and I really meant to Blog about it earlier but I just couldn't get to it until now. It all started last Friday when a friend whom some of you know as Bob the "knife" brought over an iMac that he needed to recover data from. Let me preface what I’m about to say since I previously blogged that I’d do no more “freebie” work but I'm not the kind of guy to turn down a chance to gut an iMac and then attempt to recover data off a hard drive. To date I've been able to successfully recover data off of "dead" drives at least five times. Most of the time it's as simple as mounting the "dead" drive to a live Windows or Linux box, or worst case scenario I use the copy of Spinrite that work bought for me. To date I'm like 5 for 5 but I've never tried to recover data from a Mac.
I've got a picture of the gutted Mac on my cell phone and I'll upload it to the Blog when I get my Sprint Vision plan fixed. All of the sudden I can't photo Blog anymore. I ended up being unable to natively mount an HFS formatted drive and since my Linux Box wasn't available we mounted the Mac drive in an external enclosure and used some software from Mediafour called MacDrive. It emulates the ability to mount/read and write to and from Mac formatted drives and Mt. Rainer enabled Optical storage devices. It worked like a charm but it ran real slow (emulation sucks cycles). To move 7 and half gigs of data took over three hours! A total success! Whoopee.
On the personal side of things we have experienced some additional car problems with Heidi’s car and its back in the shop again. Go figure. It's still cheaper to keep fixing it rather than picking up a new/used car payment but it's damn inconvenient. Having one car goes beyond suckage.
I will now further clarify the “beyond suckage” statement. Mason's special needs school restricts our drop off time to a ten minute window. We can only drop him off between 8:20 AM and 8:30 AM. I like to be at work before 8AM if I can but under the one car system I can barely make it to work before 9AM. This puts me behind on emails and voicemails. Since most of my appointment calls, conference calls, and meetings start around 9:30 or 10:00 AM this really dings my day.
Now for work related suckage:
Mark is out of town all this week so I'm like twice as busy at work (firefighting mainly). I’m still working on this special project stuff, when I’m not firefighting. It’s going well but it’s not going well fast enough. I put up sign on my door at work that tells people to go ask two other people first before they come ask me. Sounds harsh but it’s kind of like the military chain of command thing. Don’t come ask a Captain or Lt. until you’ve run it by the Sarge and Master Sarg. I don’t know if the whole military chain of command thing makes sense or not but fuck it. I’m tired.
More personal stuff:
I've also been working on cracking the Napster DRM. I've found a couple of hopefuls but most of them work by re-encoding the stream as it plays (small sound degradation). Right now I'm using Tunebite and Winamp with the lame encoder. I'll let you know which one I like the most when I nail the process down. I've also been looking real hard at the yahoo music plan which is like a third the cost of Napster but I'm pretty happy with Napster since they kind of pioneered the whole P2P piracy thing and I hate Itunes. (Yea I said it I alone in the world think that Itunes and their white fucking Ipod sucks serious ass). If you’re one of those Apple Nazi’s then crawl your ass back into your Tucker automobile, drive your ass home and pop in a Betamax Video and then play some 45’s and LP’s while try to tune in BBC on your vacuum tube stereo.
You might ask why I hate IPODS and I’d have to say that I really just hate Itunes and the Apple business model. They are so smug about how their OS is invulnerable (not true), and Immune the blue screen of death stuff. The reason their shit works so well is that Apple lives in a very closed community. Apple could give a damn about interoperability. They’re like the movie Field of Dreams. “If you build it they will come”. Don’t get me wrong the Apple stuff is Beautiful but go to best buy and browse their Macintosh Game section. If you really want to go hardcore anti-windows go Linux or pure UNIX then come back and talk shit.
I am so fucking sorry this post is so fucking long. I’ve been away from my Blog for too long and I have way to much stuff to get out of my head.
Posted by Jeff Estes while recovering from his long absence to the BLOG.