Job Transitions

Job Transitions.
Why does one change jobs?
What motivates you?
I was approached today by a high level exec about a job change within my current company. This is kind of unusual since I didn't solicit this invitation.
I'm not sure what to think about it. I wasn't given a formal offer letter yet but one is forthcoming shortly. Once it arrives what should I do?
I am not unhappy in my current position. I actually enjoy the shit out of what I do. It's fun to be a sysadmin. Don't misinterpret my mirth. It also sucks sometimes but all jobs have those moments of pure suckage.
I like the team I'm on. Yea I bitch bout a co-worker sometimes but that's mainly ribbing someone for the sake of just ribbing someone.
The soft sell pitch I received today was done properly in my opinion but It kind of forced me to re-evaluate the reasons you choose to stay or go in any given position or job.
What do you like about your company, job, co-workers, environment? What do you hate about it?
What would be the deciding factor in staying or leaving?
For some people it's Power. For some it's prestige, For some it's recognition or keeping up with the Joneses. For some people it's a sense of duty or honor. For most folks it boils down to Money.
I know that for me it's not Money but maybe that's being dishonest with myself. I'm really happy where I'm at at work but if the right dollar amount was thrown my way I'd be an idiot to pass it up. That begs the next question. How much is enough? 3 Grand a year, 10 grand a year, or even more. The weird thing is that I don't really know. I guess I'll wait and see and pray on it.
I re-read some of my previous post and I want to state that I was very angry and have been for awhile. I wish my situation was different but that's they way I feel.
If I could somehow pull off never seeing or speaking with her again I'd probably be OK but how can I raise two kids in two different households and not speak to her or even see her. Impossible. I want so desperately to just hate her to the core of her being but I can't I'm still in love with her and I hate myself for it.
I work with attractive women, I know attractive women that would love to be with me, but i don't want them. It's fun to imagine that I'd enjoy another woman's company but I don't see how I could do that and be honest with myself. Feeling a need for vengeance of some kind makes me feel petty but I swear that I want her to suffer one tenth of what I have just to spite her.
Enough of the self loathing. It makes me want to vomit.
As a full fledged nerd/geek I feel like I've reached that spot in my career that I always wanted to be in. I'm a domain admin. I have root rights to stuff I could never play with in a hobby like fashion. Why would I leave that world and go back to software expert/tester/advocate boy. Don't get me wrong I was really fucking good at that job and it was scary how well I could pull it off but do I want to re-enter that world? I guess that's the real question. Suppose that I had to do the same job for the next ten years and never change. Would I be happy in ten years as a QA/Tester guy or would I be better served as the always evolving/challenged/sysad guy.
I'd say Sysad all the way but what If I was paid handsomely for the other job?
What about my side business? Would this new job give me more time to work on that business?
Choices. That is what makes adult life so hard. As children we had choices but they were more like multiple choice. I parents and our environment what our choices were. As an adult it's more like ad-lib and fill in the blank.
My grandma used to say that Being miserable in Life wasn't about the choices you made but it was more about regretting the choices you didn't choose.
Regret is a bitch. I don't want to regret my choice.
I'd like to throw a shout out to my JW for sponsoring my lunch today. Thanks man.
Posted by Jeff Estes wishing you would subscribe to my blog and sponsor my lunch breaks.