Email and RSS Feeds
Blogger enables RSS feeds if your interested.
I just re-added my bloglet email subscription for this blog.
Please look at my profile on the right side of this page and give up your email address to subscribe to my RSS feed. If you have no idea what RSS is then sign up anyway and see how it works. Basically you can be lazy and stop checking my blog and instead start getting my posts via email. Hence the need for your email address.
Don't be a loser. Just sign up. BTW let me know if it even works for you or not. I'm still learning how all this works.
I also enabled some anti comment spam features. So if you try to comment on my blog you'll have to pass some basic visual Turing type tests to make sure your a human being and not some web crawling pathetic low life comment href referral engine. I got some pathetic comment spam and it just pisses me off to no end.
Nuff said I'm done.
Posted by Jeff Estes while comparing his old blog template to his new blog template.
I just re-added my bloglet email subscription for this blog.
Please look at my profile on the right side of this page and give up your email address to subscribe to my RSS feed. If you have no idea what RSS is then sign up anyway and see how it works. Basically you can be lazy and stop checking my blog and instead start getting my posts via email. Hence the need for your email address.
Don't be a loser. Just sign up. BTW let me know if it even works for you or not. I'm still learning how all this works.
I also enabled some anti comment spam features. So if you try to comment on my blog you'll have to pass some basic visual Turing type tests to make sure your a human being and not some web crawling pathetic low life comment href referral engine. I got some pathetic comment spam and it just pisses me off to no end.
Nuff said I'm done.
Posted by Jeff Estes while comparing his old blog template to his new blog template.