Conference Calls - Hate them!

I've dropped everything I was doing that was productive and now I'm waiting on a conference call to start which was supposed to start at 11:00 AM It's now 11:34 AM and no one has contacted me.

Hopefully this will be a productive conference call but we'll see. Most of the time when I'm involved on a conference call I'm the tech guy who has his five minutes of initial spiel then I'm relegated to yes or no type answers to various questions.

So my typical hour long conference call starts and ends with me contributing a total of five minutes of info/knowledge, and the a half dozen or so yes we can do that or no we can't do that.

I guess I'm a value-add conference call attendee. Neat!

On the flipside my last blog posting was made last night but didn't hit the "wire" until just now. I don't know why all I know is that I kept getting some unintelligible error every time I tried to post it.

Posted by Jeff Estes while waiting on a conference call to start


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