We will miss you Will

In an effort to apoligize to my regular blog readers. (me, my wife, and one other guy in quebec). Sorry I haven't posted much lately.

I've spent an inordinate amount of time working on other non technocratic things and one technocratic thing.

My website is up and running (hosted) and about 90% percent completed. I don't know the first damn thing about writing my own website. My website experience prior to this site was a co-opted event with Najib Fahs my Lebanese friend who did all the coding and uploading work and I was at best a technical advisor. My previous website couldn't be spelled easily so it never got any hits and I killed it. This blog is probaly the easiest thing I've done. If I'm misspelling anything then I apoligize. I am heavily medicated at the moment with Valium and Vicoden or some other drug I was given by my doc. I'd really like to complain about how much trouble I went through in order to get medicated but I am in excrutiating pain at the moment.

It's all related to the back surgery I had back when I was thirteen. The cool thing was that the docotor I saw yesterday (not my PCP doc but a different walkin doc) acutally did his residency performing/assisting spinal fusions and he was really sympathetic to what my daily pain levels must be like.

Anyway Valium and Vicodin are really good. I feel like I'm under water and barely in control of my body. I'm having a hard time focusing on my typing and cognitive skills.

I'd probably get my ass kicked by my three year old if got up the courage to beat up his old man.

If I'm rambling its the drugs so no really deep or posting today just posting for practice and to keep this thing alive.

I lost a dear friend last week. Will Arnold. I can't really say enought good stuff about Will. He left our company to pursue the things people pursue when they leave a job. He's moving to Atlanta to spend more time figuring out what he really wants to do with his life. He's the perfect guy. Good looking, intelligent, charismatic, and a generally awesome human being. I wish I was more like him. I almost broke down in tears saying good buy last friday. I am going to miss him so much. I never got to tell Will how I really felt about him. I love him like a brother and the weird thing is we never really got to know each other that well. He was there working the helpdesk with me and Mike when it was just three of us when there should have been seven of us. He really works hard at doing the right thing all the time. Now I'm filled with regret for never really sharing how much his freindship meant to me. It's kind of weird we never got together after work, we never had dinnner or lunch together we were really just friends at work but now that he's gone I'm going to miss him more than I miss my own brother.

Will I wish you the best of luch at whatever it is you decide to do with your life and I hope that you find the happiness and fortune in whatever it is you decide to do with your life. You're an amazing person and you deserve everything life has to offer.

On a more personal note work has been going really well lately. I just wish some of my co-workers would get a grip and focus on the job more rather than on what someone else is doing or saying. I know this type of environment exists at every gas station, book store, and board room in american and I guess it's just part of the american or human work culture.

Heidi's new job (My wife/domestic partner) has started a new job that I'm so proud of her for. She is working for the Arkansas Democrat Gazatte our local state wide newspaper. She is the website editor or something (not sure what the title is exactly) but she has a press pass and I think that pretty freaking cool.

The only problem now is that I use to be the guy that kept up on current events and now she has me beat on all the local and national news stuff since she's the first person in the state to see it all before it goes live. Her job is to proof and publish the online version of the paper while it's being pressed and rolled in the warehouse. Life is so unfair!

My kids are doing well. Victoria's grade are slipping just a little. I don't know if it's here teacher being a first time teacher and cutting her teeth, or if it's her overbearing Grandfather that manipulates her time. (My fault for letting him do that really)

[Did I mention that I am high as a kite right now on Morphine or whatever I'm taking]

I can barely focus on the screen.

My new website sucks I think but I'm not sure how to handle it. I have like sub-zero html skills and I've never coded a website from scratch. I'd like to pay someone to do it but I'm broke and to me being the self taught tech support guru fell like that would be cheating.

I'm currently evaulating moving to some type of CMS (Content management System) for my website but I'm not sure which one is the right or best one.

I'm looking at Moveable type or something of that ilk but I'm not sure. If you're reading this and have any expereince then please let me know what you think.

I'm also in the market for a digital camera so I can start adding some snazzzy pictures to my website or blog. I mean who wants to read just meaningless diatribe.

I'm suppossed to be at work right now but my cognitive skills are subpar and feel like im on the verge of just falling over when i walk. My eyelids are also feeling real heavy.

It's kind of shitty since I was supposed to start training two new guys (one full time and one intern). I emailed my boss what I wanted the new guys to get started on and I plan on being at work tomorrow but my doc told me to take three days off to recuperate. I guess I should follow his advise.

I did meet and talk to some really stupid local techs lately but I can't remember all the retarded shit they said and did. I only deal with around three solid local technicians on a regular basis. Rick Watts, Peter Farrio, and one other guy that I can't remember at the moment. Allen something I think. Everyone else is just plain retarded.

I swear that one day I will become a local tech or independant contractor, or consultant or whatever you want to call them. I could make a killing but it's kind of scary to just jump on out there and start making money on a per job basis.

On a more biological note i've been consuming more and more sushi lately and it's growing on me. I used to hate sushi (they didn't cook it enought for my tastes).

Stan my favorite Bulgarian co-worker that I am constantly harrasing and Jason my new boss is doing a superb job compared to my old one bothe love Sushi and they have been kind of enough tot share choice pices with me when they bring it to work have slowly helped to convert me over.

I would now say that I could eat sushi as meal and not want to vomit.

On a domestic note. I still haven't gotten a termite contract on my house yet and I'm still fighting fleas that moved in with my old dog who disappeared over a month ago. We bombed the house three times now and I'm still killing fleas!

Next I may just nuke the house from orbit. It's the only way to be sure (Aliens quote for you movie buffs).

I'll sign off for now. I can barely see straight or type corretly.

Love Jeff

Posted by Jeff in a drug enduced state from his cold ass garage


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