I'm still standing

For those that still check this blog "I salute you".


Part of me wants to apologize for my infrequent blogging but the other part of me says hey it's my Blog. I blog when I feel like it.

Life is life for me and the more things change the more they stay the same. Work is busy as dogshit. I've still not updated my resume like a good little flight risk should. I've still got a pending offer on the table for a job in SoCal. My kids are still helions but they are my helions. My cat still has fleas Damnit. My house is still a wreck (No suprize for those that know me).

Facebook is coming out hard on me. I've got people crawling out of the woodwork that I haven't seen in 1.5 decades.

I also got three phone calls from people I haven't talked to in ages in the span of about give minutes.
Wish List

I still wish for more time, more sleep, less noise, and mechanic that does free work.

A women that puts me first kids second (Read this in a christian self help book and it really puts things in perspective) I always thought you put your kids first but this guy says you shouldn't. Kids still get 51% of your time but your spouse is your number two priority behind God.


OMG Turkey day is around the corner and fiscally I'm so not ready for Xmas


My daughter just played her first ensemble performance in band and she didn't screw up.

Work Stuff

Of course our last software update didn't go as well as I would have hoped.

Why can't we create or implement a messaging system that says Attention customers...the following changes are happening [insert timeframe]?

Why can't we listen to our experts and put them in a room together more frequently (I'm very busy of course but time could be made)?

Am I an expert anymore or just that "old" guy that's been around so long I've forgotten how to do things?

Why can't Synergy just work and keep working. That damn FLOSS stuff is going to kill me?

Why can't people just "snap" out of it (includes me sometimes)?

Why are ciggarettes so addictive?

Why don't I floss more often?

Why does every headset I buy suck?

Why can't I drink coffee at every meal?
Posted by Jeff Estes wishing you would subscribe to my blog and sponsor my lunch breaks.


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