I'm so fucking there (Click the Link)

If I wasn't so fucking tired and pissed this would be best blog post ever.

First thing.  I get home today and my power is still off.  Sofa King WeTarded.

I had to call maintainence to Flip my oustide breaker.  I would have done this myself but the breaker box was padlocked.  Seriously?  Fucking padlocked.  My trashcan is now full of former Fridge Food.

But on the serious tip hit this link and tell me you don't want to watch the movie with me.


OMFG I'm suck a Star Trek Nerd.

Now I'm going to rewind my day.

For those that aren't familiar with Cafeteria Plans at work let me break it down.

1) You commit to take X amount of money out of every paycheck to set aside into two seperate buckers.
2) Bucket 1 is for Child care related expenses
3) Bucket 2 is for Medical related expenses
4) You have a credit card to pay those expenses (assuming the vendor takes credit cards)
5) For everything else you need to "expense" the expenditures to get reimbursed from your funds.

Why would you do this?

First it's almost like a savings plan to pre-fund anticipated expenses.

Second the money is taken out of your Gross Pay (pre-tax).  This means you can save some tax money!  Woot.

Now hold your fucking horses.  Here is the shitty part.

It's your money but you're not earning interest on this money those MGIS assholes are.
On top of that they can reject your claims and keep your fucking money.

Just recently I had a claim rejected because the invoice I submitted included one partial week of daycare from the last week of December 2007 that was showing up on my January 2008 invoice.  I submitted over 900 dollars of legitimate expenses that was stone cold rejected becuase I include 48 fucking dollars from last year.

First off i need to disclose that if you don't claim money that you set aside they get to eat it and you eat shit and die and lose YOUR Fucking money.

I lost money last year since I over SAVED.

Second they are now rejecting my claim beacause I didn't claim that 48 bucks last year I accidently put that money into this years invoice so I get rejected for my own fucking money.  (I'm super pissed if you missed that).

Third (thirdly?) Now they will not give me back the invoice I submitted so I could easily re-work it and redact that small amount off.  Now I have to go through the trouble or re-requesting it from my daycare minus the 2007 stuff.

It took me nearly four weeks that get that invoice since it takes an act of congress to get any history older than 60 days from their antiquated computer invoicing tracking system.

If I end up not getting this money I'm going to go Postal and come unglued. 

I so desperately need a vaction or I'm going to flay someone alive at work.

Woe be to the motherfucker that denies my next claim.  I think I'll buy a Greyhound ticket, a chainsaw, and some tape recorder so I can drive out to this MGIS office and cut off body parts while I record their misery and say "mother fucker your claim for mercy has been DENIED"!!!!!

I'm so uber pissed I'm going to skip the umlaut on uber.

Fuck you, Fuck you, your cool, Fuck you.

Posted by Jeff Estes wishing you would subscribe to my blog and sponsor my lunch breaks.


KennethADavis said…
I subscribed. Woot. Now you has a subscriber.

No Soup for you.

Don't go Postal, postal bad.


Enjoy, for it is goodness. Start from begining. It will all make sense then, oh yeah, FOR PONIES!!!
Check it out, its good.
Anonymous said…
yea so I kinda hate all that for ya. but on the plus side, I'll bring you breakfast monday!

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