Tornadic Damage and my Crappy Power Grid
We recently experienced a scary episode with a tornado here in Cabot. Being an Arkansas means living with Tornados. They kind of just come with the territory. Kind of like people on the coast live with Hurricanes. The scary part about tornado's is the lack of warning. I mean Hurricanes don't exactly "sneak" up on you.
This tornado actually touched down very close to us and did an extreme amount of damage. We had roads closed for over two days due to trees obstructing the roads and downed power lines. I went without power for over 36 hours!
Now that the power is back we are living back at home again minus ALL the food I had in the fridge. We actually saved some food by stowing into a cooler with ice but I couldn't save everything so my "fridge" got the trash can purge. At least I have more room in there now.
I wanted to thank the Pelton's for letting us camp out at their place Friday night while we waited on Entergy to restore power.
I think I'm going to give up on Windows Live Writer for a bit. Too many issues with their implementation of the blogger api. But instead I'm experimenting with Safari right now. I think I'm going to turn my weekends into Safari only time for a bit. Just to give the browser a test drive. As a matter of fact I'm posting this from Safari right now.
That's it for now. Later.