Posting via Windows Live Writer
Microsoft is finally "getting it" I think.
[Reposted minus funky css stuff]
WYSIWYG = What you see is what you get. Tonight I'm posting this from the new Windows Live Writer. It's pretty freaking cool. I've blasted Windows for a long time because its fun, but I'll tell you those boys in Redmond have come a long way. This Windows Live Writer is pretty cool. The setup was fairly problematic but I figured out my problem in under five minutes so it wasn't seamless but it wasn't simple either. The problem I ran into was my feed URL that I had to plug into Windows Live Writer (WLR). I had to view the source code on the blog to get it because for some reason Blogger's Control Panel didn't just give it to you in the GUI. For posterity's sake my feed URL is
I guess everyone uses unique id's that don't translate well and this is mine.
I may have to go back and adjust this post if the formatting is jacked, but oh
well what's life as a tech if you don't experiment right? I'm not doing a
huge post tonight because I'm exhausted and I'd be pissed if this post
got "lost in translation". I'm deliberately misspelling words to see how well
WLR will pick up my typing missives. For my blogger faithful I'd like to say that
I'm in a happier place emotionally recently but I'm still poor and willing to be
taken to lunch.
Right now something is wrong wit the GUI on this live writer and my text seems
to be ignoring the margins of the template. Weird. Also I can't seem how to
figure out the text wrapping around the imbedded Windows Live Logo, but with any
new software "tool" there is always a learning curve.
So I'll apologize for the excessive carriage returns in the post but it's the
only way to jump back into the left portion of the posting template.
I've spent the last two nights de-lousing my house from head lice. Nasty
little fucker-roos I'll tell you.
I did plan on ranting and raving about Virus/Spyware Troubleshooting. Now that
I'm back on the helpdesk I see us doing a lot of troubleshooting when it comes
to virus Spyware issues and I just want to scream about the horrible inefficiencies
it introduces to call resolution. I honestly believe that a couple years ago we
provided a valuable service to our customers by troubleshooting those kinds of
issues, but I'm afraid we're just doing what we've always done and now we need to
re-examine why we are doing this for customers.
This WLR is cool but annoying me with the GUI issues so I'm going to cut this
post short and see if I can figure out the problem.
Good night and good luck.