Missing Posts

It seems as if I'm "missing" some posts on my blog. A number of posts and comments seem to have disappeared mysteriously.
I'm looking into the issue and I'm trying to contact Blogger support but It brings up a good point. I never knew if the blogging thing would take root or not but now that I am a blogger and I don't control the "back end" of this blogging engine I have no control over the backup or restoration of my posting history.
I hope to God that I'm not the victim of some malicious intent but even if I was what can I do about it?
I've tried to contact someone at blogspot (Now a google company) but I can't seem to find a phone number or email address. I'm considering moving the posts over to a hosted domain or something that I can actually control but I'm only in the "consideration" phase right now.
If you know something about my missing posts please email me. I'd really, really like to get those posts back with the minimum amount of fuss.
I'm partly flattered if I've been the victim of a blogger drive by shooting since that would mean that I've been selected as a target.
I've got a LOT of personal family drama going on at the moment so I'll be brief with this post.
I would like to toss a shout out to the following people for the partial or full sponsorship of my Take Jeff to Lunch program.
Tony = Thanks for the BBQ lunch
Jody = Thanks for the fruit cup I liberated from your desk
Christina = Thanks for the Mexican Lunch it hit the "spot".
Jennifer = Thanks for the happy hour drink from Sonic. That tea i the bomb!
But hey there are two full days left to sponsor the Estes so get with it!
Posted by Jeff Estes wishing you would subscribe to my blog and sponsor my lunch breaks.