Online dating is weird but kind of cool. Exchanging emails with people whom you've never met or even seen (no photo on profile) is cool.
Considering that the majority of communication is actually non verbal, being forced to rely on your skill with the keyboard is kind of a welcome challange. I think I do miss the idea of writing letters back and forth. I'm sure we all had pen pals in Grade School. I had forgotton how difficult and challenging it could be to express oneself with the pen. It really forces you to choose and evaluate your writing style more closely.
With email being nearly ubiquitious we tend to spend less time on substance and quality over the speed of the reply. What a shame that is. I fear that our childrens generation will slowly see writing skills atrophy over time in the current, always on, always available, internet connected world.
I find it very refreshing to actually meet someone online and exchange information about each other strictly in an electronic medium. It also forces you to evaluate or de-value the the attraction based solely on physical attraction. Do not mis understand me. I am sure that if a physical attraction did not exist the chance for attraction and mating would greatly diminish but at least you are putting forth more effort when you attempt to establish a line of communication first.
Edating's hidden cost: Time, Money. The majority of dating services have the bait and hook set well. You get a profile. You upload a photo. You begin to communicate via small innocuous winks, or woos, or blinks, or whatever they label the initial communication as. Then when you want to reply with substance you have to rely on one party being a subscriber who is aware of how to bypass the system when the recipiant is not a subscriber, or you have to pony up some dough. The clams can be substantial.
Match.com 34.99
Chemistry 49.95
Eharmony 54.99
Something weird has happened that I can't explain. I've had a post and a comment deleted. I didn't delete them. As a security precaution I've changed my password but I still don't know this happened. I'm looking into the issue.
Posted by Jeff Estes wishing you would subscribe to my blog and sponsor my lunch breaks.