Can you feel it? Can you feel the vibration?

I re-loaded my account today. I've already burned 2.00 dollars worth of music. At 11 cents a song thats quite of bit of downloading. I'm really liking this service. It's cheap, It's cool, It's fairly easy to use and I have so many choices on the file type, and encoding I want. Did I mention that there is no Janus DRM involved?

Check it out since it's rock solid.

My buddy Jody has asked me for a list of must haves for the travelling technician so I'm going to list some of them now:
  1. The biggest thumb drive you can afford. Two of them. One NTFS formatted with encrypted storage for personal stuff and the other one fat16 formatted for 9x systems.
  2. A long 25 or 50 foot crossover cable for those clubs with no network and no best buy.
  3. A small personal travel router for those hotels with pathetic networks. Hacker anyone?
  4. A online blog and photo sharing service.
  5. A digital camera and photo editing software. You need pictures of every cool place you visit.
  6. Point programs like Best Buy's, Frequent Flyer Miles, Upromise, etc.
  7. Data services plan for your cellphone for those times your PCS phone is your modem.
  8. CD-RW for those quick sneakernets when you've lost your USB drives.
  9. Spare NIC and USB PCI add in card for those harried networking needs.
  10. USB Light for those dark airplane rides.
  11. One Fat-ass portable lightweight hardrive for all those DVD's your going to want to watch during layovers.
  12. Netflix rental membership to keep you hard drive full of movies.
  13. Spare battery for cellphone and laptop.
  14. Igo dual power charger for Laptop and Cell Phone and Axim and MP3 player.
  15. A non AMEX card since it isn't really accecpted everywhere.
  16. Voice dial and a really good headset for your cellphone.
  17. PCI diagnostic card for those troublesome PC's at clubs.
  18. Mapping software that you know how to use.
  19. A good GPS unit with flashable basemaps.
  20. WIFI keychain detector for those hotspot in a hurry moments.
  21. Encrypt your mother-fucking harddrive since it will get lost and or stolen. See Casey/Ryan for stories.
  22. Laptop lock and a lockable Laptop/Carry Case.
  23. An online backup service that will intelligently backup your laptop everytime it's connected to the internet. For those times when you shit gets stolen and your S-C-R-E-W-E-D!
  24. Mini USB Webcam for those hey kids now I remember how you look moments.
  25. X-10 Camera system with wireless recording and broadcasting to keep an eye on shit at home. (Pets, Kids, Flowers, and shit like that)!

This is by no means an exaustive list. Just something I threw together in a hurry. Jody I wish you good luck cause your going to need it.

FYI I'm looking for ideas on a good way to request music slash DVD's you want off of our personal backup server. Remember you can only check out your personal backups not the backups of others. (RIAA :().

Posted by Jeff Estes while pirating?/enjoying music from Russia!


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