Gun Control. Why debate it?
Gun Control and Stupid Shit People Post on Facebook.
Ok folks. People keep pestering me about Gun Control so this is a draft I wrote that I'm just now posting.
You live in America. We founded this country on violence and rebelling against our British parents and we used guns to fight back, because of that we incorporated that right in the Constitution.
So deal with that part it's in the Constitution and it gets to stay as at least a fundamental discussion and with the right to assemble we get to debate it.
If the debate pisses you off then Go get fucked. I hate sports and I am "forced" to listen to those debates everywhere even when I'm taking a piss at the urinal. They post sports info above the pisser.
Now that we've accepted that we live in the US, we have a constitution that says we get to own guns, and we all agree that we're allowed to debate things then the real issue comes down to violence, the people that commit violence, and the penalty and rights of victims or would be victims.
Count the number of people killed by guns outside of actual Congressional approved warfare, and evaluate if those crimes were more numerous or harmful then people killed or injured by vehicles.
I mean automobiles are not in the Constitution. No one says you don't have the right to drive a Benz you only get a Kia do they? We have rules and stuff about how to drive, where to drive, when to drive, and we license and regulate that.
I'm not going to turn this into a big gun debate post but I do want to say one thing. If you've never been a victim of gun violence. If you've never had a gun shot at you or your family or experienced the business end of a man with a gun then your opinion on the subject is pretty much worthless to me. I don't care what side of the law or moral right or left you stand on. The next time a man points a gun at me and starts to pull the trigger I want the right to fight back on equal footing. I've been shot at and had friends injured. The only reason that I'm alive today is because that guy was a bad shot and he didn't bother to reload and walk up closer to me and my friends. Did that guy break the law? Yes he did. Did he have a legal right own that gun (I don't know). Did I have access to a gun at the time of the incident yes I did but it was illegal to carry it at the time? Will I be prepared the next time? You're damned right I will.
Posted by Jeff Estes wishing you would subscribe to my blog and sponsor my lunch breaks.