I'm bringing Blogger back

Blogger Faithful?

Ok it's been a real long time since I've posted a new rant.  What has the Estes been up to in the last few years.

Things have changed.

Facebook kind of became the king of the "What are you doing, thinking meme" for the modern digerati.  Smartphones got cool and exploded in everyone's pockets like pop rocks.  With smartphones and FB people kind of forgot about personel blogging for no monetary gain.  I mean lots of cool and hip people still blog but it's mostly drivel you don't want to read, or BS self promotion stuff that nobody cares about.

I blogged in the beginning because it was the cool thing to do and I had a lot of to get off my chest.

Don't get me wrong it's still cool, and I still have stuff I want to get off my chest but I mostly just pull out my soap box at work and let it all hang out to vent.

I just lost an hour of life looking back my all my GMAIL history starting from day one of my early beta invite and it's like walking back through the last seven years of my life.  I blogged so regularly about my day I actually go to warp back in time and re-read what I was thinking during all of those blog posts.

The sad part is that most of those blog posts have disappeared from my blog because my X deleted them from my account during what I now call the "Dark Ages" of our relationship/breakup.  For my friends I apologize for being and feeling so moribund.  I must have been "awful" to have been around back then.  OMG I was so hung up on getting left for another guy.  I did laugh out loud at some of the shit I said though.

Here was a good one I stumbled upon a couple of weeks after my allergy test and discovery of some late in life adult allergy onset stuff...

I'll adjust but now I have come to loathe eating. It used to be enjoyable and now it's a chore I have to perform to survive and greet the next day, kind of like wiping my asshole with soap. It's not pleasant but you have to do it every day.

I guess that's classic Jeff huh?  Not too bad just short and with an analogy.

Here is a longer rant that I loved in the same vein...

I eat the shitiest food now. Tonight it was peas and rice. This last weekend it was Salad with no dressing. Now I know hundreds of people have it worse off. Kid's starve in Ethiopia, Adults with crones disease can barely swallow air, that dude on CSI died of a bee sting, blah, blah, blah, blah, fuck-em. It's my blog and I'm bitching. I don't give damn how the price of a cup of coffee could save little shamu-stick-can't pronounce his name's family from starving. If they don't start blogging and keeping flies out of their damn eyes then I just don't care. Let Brad Pitt do something about it. He can afford ten percent of his income. I just wish my bank balance would climb above ten bucks.

Now if you're thinking I'm an insensitive fuck-stick then your half right. I'm an Asian, Insensitive fuck-stick that hates stupid people that talk or call for tech support. Yea i said it if you're stupid and don't talk to other people or call my helpdesk then your A-ok in my book. If your dumb, or even worse stupid then please do everyone a favor and castrate yourself and go buy a Macintosh computer. They love stupid people since their OS is sooo easy to use even a fucktard like yourself you can use it. If your going to use Microsoft's shit then you've got to do the simple stuff.

That's the pissed off ranting Jeff that I miss.

At some point in my life I'll probably go back and re-post/edit the "deleted" blogs by recovering the copy I received in my gmail inbox, but I'd have to be pretty bored.

I can say that I'm happier now.  More centered and focused.

Of course some themes from back then still crop up like money issues, and car issues but that is life.

I don't know if anyone even reads this blog anymore and the narcissist in me wants to think people still do but who read's dead blog posts?  Maybe I'll blog more frequently as the moment strikes me or maybe this will be my twice annual blog post.  I really don't know.  I just know that I was very, very angry and slightly offensive before and I'm not apologizing for it I'm just recognizing it.

I do miss blogging though.  It was very therapeutic for me. (mea culpa)

So what else has changed in my life since then.

  1. My kids are older.
  2. My car has changed twice.
  3. I've gotten wiser.
  4. I make more money but shit costs more so that's a wash.
  5. I've visited Hawaii (Love you DOG)
  6. I have a girlfriend again.  (Did the math and it's been almost 7 years).
  7. My side business is doing much better.
  8. People don't buy me lunch as often as they should.
So life is better right?  

I feel better but is it just as bad with different low points and high points?  Is it my perspective that is better?

I really have no clue.

It's late and I've blogged.  I feel more responsible now.

Posted by Jeff Estes wishing you would subscribe to my blog and sponsor my lunch breaks.


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