Update 101
I'm still here. It's just been hectic.
I've moved out of my old house and into a new apartment. I've lost about 80 square feet of space but now I don't have to sweat maintenance any more. Apartment living has it's pro's and con's.
I'd like to push a big shout out to my boy Kelvin, Father Time (Gman), Gumby, and my dad for making my move possible. I'd also like to give a shout out to my Doctor for hooking me up big time with the prescriptions.
I'm currently whacked out on med's since I hurt my back moving and then completely destroyed in a fight with an office chair. Being on high on med's is actually kind of cool in a detached, OMG why is everyone talking so slowly, kind of way.
We have a pool here in the apartment complex and it's like 20 feet from my front door. Way cool!
I'd like to shout out to my boy DJ Wes Wood. We miss you on the help desk, you will be sorely missed. I hope you enjoy this worldwide walkabout your on. Good luck and god bless you Wes.
In an illegal file sharing kind of way I wanted to let everyone know that www.allofmp3.com is still around but it's hard as hell to recharge your account. I finally depleted my funds and now I'm jones-ing to refill my balance. I'm experiment with some PayPal like Russian sites that will accept American credit cards.
I'm still hoping that Heidi finds herself soon and realizes that I'm worthy of her love and affection. I know it's pathetic but I still love her.
I got a new guy on the help desk that I've started training today. He's pretty damn sharp on the technical side so the first couple of lessons should go quickly since I don't have to spend so much time on the network 101 and troubleshooting 101 stuff.
I've still got boxes everyone in my house so I don't know how soon I'll actually be settled and moved in but I can't wait.
I hear my bed calling my name so I'm going to cut it short. Good night.