Status Update

No depressing shit this post I swear!

I'm trying real hard to move on so I'm going to try real hard not post manic-depressive missives on my blog anymore, but It's my blog so I'm allowed to post whatever the F I want.

Web Development - I was paid to write a website awhile back for one of my clients and I haven't done much work on it lately so I'm trying to pick back up on that job today.

I've been seriously pimping open source (Or at least GPL stuff) everything for the last couple of years but now I'm in a new position as a SYSADMIN at the same job and I have to take a different slant on those positions. Now that I'm part of a team responsibly for keeping workflows cranking I'm being sucked over to the Dark side of GPL and the open source community: Micro$oft Everywhere!

Now I have to try real hard to try to use Microsoft tools and "best practices" everywhere I turn. In light of that I'm trying to stop using NVU and move over to MS stuff like Microsoft Visual Development tools.

I did not know it but MS makes alot of their tools available for free with "light" versions of stuff. Now a "light" version of software in the MS world means limited connection or light load software so their "light" stuff can't handle as many simultaneous connections or hard core databases but they do work and they are free!

I'll try to post my latest web creations for perusal later.

I'm trying to snap out of my mental depression like a quaker would and work my ass off at home. I have been seriously neglecting my household duties and I tried to make up for that today by spending 2 straight hours doing nothing but housework. I barely made a dent but I did make a difference today.

Be nice to your kids and your admins. That's all for now. Have a nice day folks.

Posted by Jeff Estes wishing you would subscribe to my blog and sponser my lunch breaks.


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