A note on my disappearance

Note that this is a post I wrote like on Monday but my lazy ass didn’t post until today.

I wanted to throw a quick shout out on a couple different things real quick.

First I want to apologize to my friends that I bailed out on for last Saturday's Fight night. I had a personal crisis that needed handling and it took all weekend to get partially handled. I will not go into any details. It's probably going to stay right down there with my Carney story.

Second I want to let my programmer buddy blank wick von programmer know that I totally understand his feeling to possible seek a horizontal promotion. If you go I'll miss you but I will totally understand your leaving.

I got a copy of Norton System Works 2006 to try out for work and I'm looking forward to another software test drive but god I hate Norton's stuff. I'm already running two firewalls, three if you count the lame ass Windows SP2 firewall.

System Works is going to drive a huge-ass digital stake into my system memory but somebody's got to take one for the team and test this stuff out. I'll probably post a comprehensive review on the software firewalls I've tested in the last couple months. I'm still a huge A-1 fan of hardware firewall solutions but sometime's a soft firewall is a good idea in different usage scenarios.

I like just got paid a couple of days ago and I'm already broke. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since I'm always broke but it's kind of depressing when you’re so close to Christmas and the kids want really expensive stuff like the Xbox 360. I'll figure something out or I'll rob a bank or something. I wish I was like an Uber hacker and I could leech money from large federal banks. Instead I'll probably have to rip off some trailer truck bank in a country parking lot. Knowing my luck I'll get pinched for like a dime and end up serving time with bunkmate who's into Mexican looking Asian men.
To take this prison story further along I would probably be screwed since I'm not ethnically pure enough to join up with a hard core prison gang. I wonder if there are any prison gangs for half-breeds.

Enough for now. Catch me if you can on skype as jefferyestes


Anonymous said…
Wait you just got paid, and you are already broke? Sounds like you need a better firewall for your bank account. :-) BTW logmein.com is pretty cool. I've been looking for something like that. It helps for technical support on my mother in laws computer. :-)
scoolio said…
Dude Big J! Who are you? Don't anonymously post comments. I like want to know who you are. How do you look naked. You know. Share a little. Leave code words or something.

Scoolio aka Jeff Estes
Anonymous said…
lets see, I dont think you have seen my naked, but we did live together so who knows. lets just say I've known you since you used to sing " I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her." And then some. BTW, what do you think about your boy John Blaze getting married?
scoolio said…
Blaze deserves his own special post for tying the knot. I was honored enough that he asked me to be involved in his wedding. I think I'm going to park cars or serve nacho cheese dip or something like that. I can't believe he met a woman that can handle blaze. She is one helluva woman. She's for real too. I actually met her.
Anonymous said…
Handle Blaze physically or emotionally :). I thought he said you were involved in bringing the sticky rice. Do you have any other talents besides that? Plus your appearence helps fill out the asian and mexican slots of the attendies.

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