Search Engine Beta Labs

Search Engine Beta Labs

I found a pimptastic project called Google Ride Finder you can find it at It goes way beyond pimp it's actually useful if you live in a city that has a cab company with GPS enabled cabs and they participate in the project. I probably spent a half hour following a cab around San Francisco (I have no life its official).

Not only is the ridefinder pimptastic I can't get over how cool a hybrid Google map is. They Hybrid maps overlay satellite data on top of the street cartography. When you zoom in close enough you even get directional arrows to indicate the traffic flow direction. Pimptastic!

Shitty part to Google Maps is that it doesn't play well with Opera. :(

My buddy Richie turned me onto Microsoft’s public beta for their OneCareLive. You can find it here.

If you haven't heard about the new windows live media push, then I don't know what rock you've been living under. Read the official press here at The site was down at the time I posted this but it should be up by now. Check out this awesome error message I got though.

[I can't upload the image right now i'll try later]

That's it for me. I'm punching out. O yea fuck Myspace they deleted my account. WTF!


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