November, November Christmas is Nearer
November is nearly gone and so is most of my technical angst. It's this time of year when you start reflect on the year past and what kind of positive impact you've had on your little world.
I look back on this year and I just wonder about things like....
- Why in the hell did someone plant the ugliest damn tree on the planet in my front yard (Cyprus)
- Where in the hell did all the money on my payroll stubs go (kids, kids, heroin :), kids).
- Whether or not I should pay for a blogging service and go like professional blog style.
- Why I'm still paying for a martial arts class my daughter hasn't attended in over five months.
- Why some grandparents are way too involved in my kids lives and the other ones show up less than than my family that lives in Thailand?
- Why my computer desk has the same stack of stuff I need to go through since I moved in this house over a year ago.
- Why I can't stop smoking but I can stop paying my bills on time.
- Why the bank has to charge me for overdraft checks every other week.
- Why I haven't started up my termite coverage plan on the house yet.
- When I'll ever get around to fixing the leaking bathtub basin.
- When I'll ever get a radio installed in my car that I've had in my closet for over a year when I'm only getting one AM station on one speaker in car.
- When I'll ever ask for that raise that I so deserve.
- When I'll ever make "enough" money to stop those "looks" from the misses.
- When I'll ever regain my spelling skills enough to stop relying on the F7 key.
Anyway enough of that.
To date no one has ever commented on a single thing on my blog so I wonder if it ever even gets read. I put on a hit counter and that cool little Sesame street button that mirrors the alert level for the nation but i think every "hit" I've ever had was a self generated one.
This blog thing is kind of cathartic and I've found that I spend more and more time reading other peoples blog's so I can compare how sucky mine is.
Eventually I'll get around to like really getting into HTML enough to make a cool looking site, but for now this is all you're going to get.
Work has been going along really well lately for any technical types that peer into my blog. The new boss is super cool so far and I think he's got the right mix of sugar and salt to make it all work.
Now if we could only shed the retards and dullards I work with (of course there is really only one dullard and one retard the rest of the guys are balls on), things would be great.
I still talk to stupid people on a regular basis but it's tolerable.
I actually got to take a hard line with a club owner today when he wanted to yell at one of my co-workers for not doing enough to fix his problem. (his hard drive died and he had no backup)
It was just nice to have the back I needed on drawing a line in the sand on what our tech support should do.
Come January we are supposed to issue our technical manifesto and really, clearly draw the line in the sand on tech support and I expect things to get a whole lot better from there on out.
I think I'll post the manifesto when the time comes around.
Anyway Just wanted to get a blog out there to keep the spirit alive and I hope you shadow falls in pleasant places (I stole this saying from a local radio DJ).
Next blog will probably be my Christmas List
Posted by Jeff probably at some unseemingly late hour past his kids bedtime.