...a little less conversation

I apologize to the blogger faithful. My posts have been irregular at best, and a little vague and ambiguous at their worst.

Quick things:

  1. Gas is 4.oo dollars a gallon here in Arkansas so deal with it and buy smaller more fuel efficient cars.
  2. Go rent Who Killed the Electric Car (documentary)
  3. How on earth is our department without a manager again? (This will get it's own dedicated post later)
  4. I stopped doing the online dating thing a couple weeks back. Sorry ladies deal with it.
  5. I've been using facebook more and more to stay in touch with friends and its so much better than micro-blogging (Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce) No clear winner here yet so I'm not releasing my Micro Blog handle....yet ----> Mr. Needle
  6. Contrary to popular believe LeeR is not a serial killer (Seriously we did lunch and I'm alive)
  7. Mr. B please don't go.
  8. Open Letter to Bob please don't vibrate away you will get a dedicated post :)
  9. I've changed cars again from my 4 door sedan to a 2 door with a moon roof and pop up headlights and I still don't feel "cool enough"
  10. It costs almost a grand to ship a car from California to Arkansas just in case your wondering.....I've paid the deposit now I've got to scratch up the balance due COD.
  11. Go easy, go Greyhound from AR to CA is almost 200 bucks and a just an hour shy of a two day bus ride minus showers......yuck!
  12. http://www.redbox.com/ is way cooler than http://www.blockbuster.com/
  13. Pirates will never be cooler than Ninja's .....Sorry new guy get a grip.
  14. Every cool pirate you can think of is a Ninja in disguise.
  15. Every Ninja you think you've seen is actually a Pirate minus the Ninja Training in a cheap suit. The only time you'll see a real ninja is when he's just delivered the fatal death blow.
  16. Being on call and working the day shift is the definition of suck.
  17. I'm still madly in love with my X.
  18. Are you reading this blog at my blog site or have you merely subscribed to my feed.
  19. IF anyone on Earth that reads this blog has found a blog transport tool for blogger please shoot me an email.
  20. Does anyone really, ever play Halo3 on the expert level? I mean seriously. If you can beat Halo3 on expert level get a real job like solving the World Peace Problem or eliminate World Hunger or at least go do something important like kill Rush Limbaugh over there at the EIB network (yea I'm a Democrat deal with it)
  21. The next time you go reef diving carve Steve Prutzman's name in the reef and send me a screenshot.
  22. My digital camera is supposed to work underwater but do you think I'm actually dumb enough to try it?
  23. I'm using Safari right now to see If I could live with the Second Generation iPhone.
  24. Why does Steve Jobs always wear Black Turtlenecks? He's not that cool.
  25. Are you using Vista now? Do you like it for work or for home?
  26. Good guys don't finish last but they sure as hell don't get splashed with Champagne at the finish line.
  27. Why on Earth would I pay for something If I can get it for free legally.
  28. If you're using a P2P network to steal music please stop right fucking now and spend some money. Shit you people are pissing me off.
  29. If you see me at work reading something while I'm walking that is code for please don't stop and ask me a question I'm too busy to talk to you.
  30. It's been at least a week since somebody took me to lunch did you NOT get the memo?
  31. Is that new Sushi place in Cabot any good?
  32. I was just talking about why I hated James Joyce
  33. Yes that little piece of paper is really called a "chit" Did you think I make this shit up?
  34. Balderdash is way cooler than scrabble but a hell of a lot less portable.

That's it for now. I really, really, really need to be in bed.

Posted by Jeff Estes wishing you would subscribe to my blog and sponsor my lunch breaks.


Anonymous said…
this is so funny - and yes the sushi place in cabot is really good.

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