Dazed and Confused

Yea my faithful readers I have returned from the brink of iniquity.
I've missed so many huge moments with nary a post to read. Christmas, New Years Eve and Day.
You must be wondering just what did Estes do with all those days?
First of all I must tell you that my Children are enjoying their new shiny XBOX 360 and Rockband (best game every made). My daughter has discovered in one fell swoop in less than 4 minutes that Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy are all make believe (she was crushed). I've discovered that I have a weird affinity for Zombie Fiction (World War Z).
I have actually started socializing with Friends again outside of the home and away from WOW.
I have started going to the movies again (alone*sigh). There are plenty of eligible women of course but I'm not really ready to date. I thought I was but I'm not. It's pathetic but I'm still hoping and wishing that she'll return one day.
I made absolutely zero new year commitments. I am now one day into my payday and broke again.
I acquired a new client for my side business. Yea me!
That's it for my new year post.
PS Take me to lunch I'm broke.
Posted by Jeff Estes wishing you would subscribe to my blog and sponsor my lunch breaks.