2 Cool things

Couple of cool things. No anger this post (I swear)

Two cool things I wanted to share.

  1. Chris Angel Mindfreak
  2. Sonic Commercials
Magicians. What about Magic isn't cool. I have always been fascinated by Magic. I remember as a child watching Magicians at birthday parties, restaurants, and even live in Auditoriums like David Copperfield. I even watched that Kick ass movie the Prestige. Magic is just cool as shit. This Chris Angel cat is way uber and has mad skills. I don't know how he does it but I just can't stop watching the guy. A lot of his stuff is on Youtube and you ought to check it out.

Commercials. As your prototypical consumer of entertainment I enjoy Television and movies. A necessary evil of the "tube" is commercials. They pay all the big bucks so that we as consumers can enjoy subsidized entertainment. It's a trade off I'm okay with but I'm not ok with is Bad or sub par commercials. I could probably rant for hours about all kinds of social inequities in commercials (Sex-plotation of the female body [Superbowl ads], Child-centric [any kids show] advertising, Depression exploitation [stay up late and watch TV your either fat, poor, stupid, or unemployed]

Occasionally some ad critic on Madison Avenue (or wherever) comes up with a good ad or even better a good ad campaign. Lately I've really enjoyed the Sonic commercials. They are just witty and entertaining and they convey their point well. To the sonic ad execs I salute you. Please keep it up and bring back the Quizno subs monster. I miss him/her/it.

I also miss www.adcritic.com It used to be a free site but now you have to pay. I used to surf that site for hours just watching good American and European ads.

That's it. Enjoy the 4th of July!

Posted by Jeff Estes wishing you would subscribe to my blog and sponsor my lunch breaks.


Anonymous said…
Holy Shit, You're blogging again. Cool. I totally feel your last blog. I've actually thought about going back to school and getting a degree in something that could get my foot in the door with an adv agency. One reason is what you mentioned in the previous blog. I'm tired of after hours (maintenance) type work. Plus there is so much crap on the tv when it comes to commercials. I consider myself creative enough to come up with some pretty cool shit. Plus how much fun would it be to come up some cool ass marketing idea and present it to some board. I miss adcritic too. That was great site back in the day (when it was free). You need to come over and see the little guy. He's almost 5 months old now. Tell Nim and Allen I said hey. Its good to hear.....er.....read from you.

your hero.
Anonymous said…
Oh fuck I forgot Chris Angel. I've been DVR'ing (thats a verb now right?) his show. He's ok, but his stuff is too unbelievable. Levetating over the luxor and shit. Come on. I miss the old David Blaine before he started starving himself and shit. He used to be a phenomenal Slight of hand guy. I wish that guy would come back.

The other jeffREy.

p.s. Fuck Heidi.
scoolio said…
OMFG my friends still read my blog. I do want to come and see little aclin. Let's arrange a meet and greet in RL call me. Shit you can't no more phone for me. I shit canned it.

We'll figure it out.


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