Click Here for MS Tribute Video

Hit the link for a youtube video clip from Letterman. Âhilarityy ensues.

Nothing pity today.  Socially my life is still in shambles and my back is still bitching about the abuse I put on it.  I've got serious pain meds which I should be taking liberally but I'm using them in moderation right now.

I'm still pimping Opera again now that they have released a new version.  I've stolen a new laptop and I'm so crushing on this Dual Core processor.  I can already see an amazing improvement over my older single core processor.  Work is going well.  We're still missing a CEO so if you know a CEO who is looking for a new job please send him/her/it my way.  This new Level 2 Helpdesk is working out pretty well so it's too bad I'm getting yanked off the team to do this "other thing".

Career Changes:

A good friend of mine is looking to leave the "food industry" and move into IT.completelycompletly sold on getting into the helpdesk gig (Of course I tried to explain the new kind of hell it can be). So if you know any hiring manager looking for former food guys who are willing take serious paycuts to get abused on a help desk please drop me an email.

English Lessons:

I took a typing test online the other day and scored really well 87 WPM with 2 errors but I'm a little pissed about the errors.  I got the 2 errors for using two spaces after the end of a sentence. I have to tell you that when I learned howsentences sentances I was "instructed" to use two spaces to help the reader discriminate sentencee sentance ended and the other onapparentlyAppearantly the "rules" have changed and I was never notified.  This has driven me to think about who makes up the rules?  Is it the MLA?

I know that I used to refer to the MLA rules when writing papers but I mewhat'sriously whats the big freaking deal?  I also remember learning the State abbreviations and how to write return addresses.  Back when I was taught how to do it ArkNotas was Ark. not AR.  So who decided to shorten states and street designations?  

I don't know but I betcha it was a white guy!

I got asked about who my webhost of choice today was and for the record it's still 1and1. I was digging around in my control panel at 1and1 and I discovered that they have added some new features like wordpress blogs (Sweet) and free access to GoLive and Adobe Elements (cha-ching).  So I'm prolly going to get to flex some more digital photo editing and maybe even move my blog over to and use Wordpress (Sorry guuuuys).

Quida (Yes in French and German) is probably going to survive her exploding organ experience.  She's been moved to the rehab section of the hospital.  Good News.
Posted by Jeff Estes waiting on his meds to kick in.


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